News Letters

June 25, 2025

Zarria is elated to share that she has made it on to the Dean’s List for her academic excellency over the spring semester at Columbia University.

June 4, 2024

Zarria has been accepted into a fellowship with America’s Future “Go! Fellows” program, where fellows are trained on how to be effective grassroots organizers and leaders in their communities. She and her cohort will learn how to convene people around local issues and advance the ideas of liberty. At the end of her fellowship Zarria hopes to continue on to develop her non-profit doing necessary work domestically across her city, and one day globally spreading her initiatives goals to other countries.

July 27, 2023

Zarria Simmons is honored to receive the Columbia University GS Beatrice W. Gilbert Scholarship! This Scholarship fund will be used to cover some of the cost of Zarria’s education and living expenses at Columbia University.

As a recipient of this esteemed scholarship, Zarria will in coming months have the chance to meet her donor and celebrate her achievement alongside her donors and other alumni.

Columbia University School of General Studies Coat of Arms.

July 25, 2023

On July 25th Zarria had the great pleasure of having a photo taken with the Honorable Pete Sessions who represents the 17th District of Texas, which includes Zarria and Mr.Sessions home town of Waco Texas.

Zarria was pleased to meet a fellow Wacoan and Baylor Bear, Pete was kind, friendly, and more than happy to snap a photo for Zarria.

Zarria Simmons pictured with Congressman Pete Sessions

July 19, 2023

On July 19th, Zarria attended the annual congressional Picnic at The White House. Where she had the opportunity to meet representatives and their families over a picnic dinner. And where she also snagged a selfie with the President of The United States!

Zarria Simmons in a selfie with U.S. President Joe Biden

July 19, 2023

On July 19th Zarria had the great pleasure of having a photo taken with the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Kevin McCarthy.

Though they only met very briefly, she was pleased to have met the Speaker, and gracious for his taking the time to greet staff, and interns of the house.

Zarria Simmons with Speaker of The House Kevin McCarthy.

July 17, 2023

On July 13th Zarria Simmons had the pleasure of meeting Texas Senator John Cornyn. Senator Cornyn was delighted to know she is a proud Texas native, studying far from home at Columbia University in New York City.

Zarria took the opportunity to share how happy she is to know Texas has a Congressional Representative like Senator Cornyn who is committed to upholding the founding principles of these United States in his guiding principles.

She looks forward to Senator Cornyn’s continued efforts in representing his 30 million Texas constituents.

Zarria Simmons pictured with Texas Senator John Cornyn at United States Capitol in Washington DC.

July 11, 2023

On July 11th, Zarria transitioned into the office of Congressman Jake Ellzey who represents the 6th congressional district of Texas.

Her home state!

Zarria is elated to join the office of Ellzey and work alongside some fellow Texans!

Washington DC office of Representative Jake Ellzey

June 12, 2023

On June 12th Zarria Simmons launched her first clothing line!

The Modest Bombshell is a Christian Conservative brand curating modest but stylish clothing in her boutique.

The Modest Bombshell seeks to bring together modesty, and style. Acknowledging that many women who are called to modesty often feel they have to compromise their style for adherence to whatever modesty laws they follow.

At the Modest Bombshell, we disagree. We believe you don’t have to compromise elegance, or style for modesty, and that modesty doesn’t necessarily mean homely. You can have both style and grace!

Shop The spring-summer capsule collection now at !

June 11, 2023

On June 11th, Zarria began her internship in the office of Congresswoman Grace Meng who represents New York’s 6th congressional district.

Zarria is elated to be a part of such a great opportunity to work on the Hill, with our nations representatives and staffers.

Washington DC office of Representative Grace Meng

June 1, 2023

Welcome to CBCF!

Zarria Simmons has just been accepted into the Congressional Black Caucus Foundations Summer 2023 Congressional internship program!

Joining 62 other interns on the hill from around the country to aid our country’s congressional staffers in their day-to-day work.

Along with completing daily intern duties, Zarria will also have the chance to meet with Members of the House of Representatives, as well as U.S. Senators. To read more about what Zarria accomplished on the hill Click Here.

Zarria Simmons as Summer ’23 intern for the Congressional Black Caucus.

May 2, 2023
Zarria was awarded the Columbia GS Service Award! Awarded to student leaders who have distinguished themselves over the academic year with a dedication to service and leadership within the School of General Studies and/or the Columbia University community. Zarria celebrated this award alongside other peers who where honored that evening.

Leadership Award!

February 18, 2023

Zarria Simmons is appointed to the position of Legislative Assistant for Columbia University’s School of General Studies Student Council!

As legislative Assistant Zarria will take on duties such as liaising between GS Student Council and Columbia Student Body Senate. As well as aiding in Campus advocacy, lifting the voices of often ignored groups like students with dependants, and students who are military veterans.

As Legislative Assistant Zarria hopes to assist her team achieve their initiatives to make Columbia School of General Studies a better place for students and teachers.

June 20, 2023

Zarria is elated to share that she has made it on to the Dean’s List for her academic excellency over the spring semester at Columbia University.

January 1, 2023


Zarria is elated to announce her acceptance into both Howard and Columbia University. Zarria has chosen to attend Columbia University’s School of General Studies. Located in the Big Apple. Zarria has dreamt of living in New York City since she was 13 years old. Now is her big chance! Zarria will pursue her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Political Science. We wish her luck in all her future endeavors.

Columbia University in the city of New York