Written Works

Download written works by Zarria on topics ranging from socio-political commentary to screenplays, and op-eds.

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To make requests to use Zarria’s work please contact info@zarriasimmons.com

Zarria declares that those who make it their prerogative to be lewd in public are the real jerk. Not those who socially shun them (as they absolutely should).

In this policy memo, Zarria lays out the plan to help low-risk offenders re-enter society, while simultaneously bolstering our economy, and saving tax-payer dollars.

In this essay, Zarria touches briefly on the DEI initiative to make AAE “legitimate” in schools. Will it really help black children to not enforce standard English?

“Mental Cognition of Elected Officials” is a MOC Policy Paper written by Zarria Simmons. In this policy paper, Zarria shows her understanding of policy paper writing, its concepts, and its procedure.

“Exuviae” is a short film written by Zarria Simmons.

A young woman is haunted by a malevolent being that looks just
like her. She knows what it will take to be rid of the creature
for good, but she must decide how willing she is to do it, as no
one else can do it for her.

In this short essay Zarria describes how Trans Women perpetuate misogyny against women.

In this short essay, Zarria posits that it is perfectly fine to ask women “how they do it all”. We just need to change the way we feel about the question. She addresses the misconceptions surrounding the “inappropriateness” of the question.

“Naming A Race”, by Zarria Simmons, was written with the intent to explore the origins of the word nigger, its changing form and use over time, and its possible effects on the health of the black collectives’ psyche, personality, and sense of self.

No Longer Available to Read. Zarria is currently working a revised essay.

“A King is Not Born He is Made”, by Zarria Simmons.

Zarria asserts her belief that boys must be conditioned at the earliest opportunity to be great men. She draws on a few facts, theories, and anecdotal examples to prove her theory that boys if left to their own devices, run the risk of growing into men who dominate in a destructive manner. Subjugating themselves to their undisciplined masculinity, and thus harming others. Men with discipline, honor, integrity, and principle are not simply born, they are made. These tenets of constructive masculinity are something that must be taught to every boy, and early.

“The Divine Union: Conspiracy To Destroy Divinity”, by Zarria Simmons.

Is an exploration into the systematic destruction of the relationship between women, and men, and how decades of slowly encroaching socialist-feminism is eradicating the family. Religious persecution, and radical ideology, along with modern popular media and poor discipline have contributed to the current case of instability in the union between the man and woman, and subsequently the family. Once, these two separate pillars of model femininity and masculinity came together to form one unified mind, today are reduced to sexual promiscuity with multiple partners, a broken family image, shattered love bond, and trust issues. How can we repair this damage? By first exploring completely, the many roads that led here.

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